Creating Datasets
Creating a New Dataset
Adding a new dataset to a databank is quick and easy.
Click on the "Databanks" main menu.
Choose the databank that you want to store your new dataset.
If you don't have any databanks setup, create a databank first.
Once you have chosen or created a databank, you should be presented with the datasets page for you to add datasets to your databank.
Click on the "Create Dataset" button
You will automatically be presented with a blank dataset in a grid view and with a placeholder name
Give the dataset an appropriate name that represents the data it will be storing e.g. Projects. You can change its name by clicking on the name or the dataset title. This step is important as it will give you a clear indication of what the dataset contains, it's useful when you have multiple datasets.
You can give a long description by clicking on the "Edit Dataset Info" button and filling in the description field.
You can now start adding your columns/fields to the dataset.
Adding Fields to a Dataset
Click on the "Add Field" button.
Provide the field name, description, type and specify whether or not it will be required.
It is important to note that if you don't add a specific field called "id" in your dataset, it will be automatically added in the background and used to uniquely reference each record. If you do add a field called "id" you must make sure that all records you add to your dataset have a unique value for that "id" field, otherwise, it can cause errors when you try to reference or update specific records.
Click on the "Add Field" button to save the changes
You should see your added field in the grid view
Add as many fields as are needed for your use case
Last updated