Billing Task
A billing task is the step in your workflow that generates a bill / invoice to be paid. It can be done automatically or by a human user.
Creating a Billing Task
To create a billing task:
Open your service
Drag and drop a new task to the workflow area. If you want billing to be automated, drag and drop a service task type, if you want billing to be user-initiated, drag and drop a user task type.
Give the task a title
Chose the type for the task as "Generate Bill"
Once the task is created, click on it in your workflow to open the task configuration form.
In the task configuration form, click on the Billing configuration edit button as shown below.
The billing configuration form appears
Configure billing settings
General settings
In the billing configuration form you can configure the following general settings
Name: This is the name of the product/service fees being billed.
Code: A code for the billable service. This code will be part of the generated invoice number
Due days: How long the customer will have to pay the invoice
Currency: The currency the customer will be invoiced in
Choose Online payment methods that you would want your customer to pay with. If no payment methods are chosen, the default behaviour would be to have your customers attach a proof of payment.
Adding fees to your billing configuration
You can add an unlimited number of fees that will be invoice lines in your generated invoices.
To add billing fees to your configuration:
Click on the add button on the billing form as show below.
In the added fee, provide a fee name and fee code.
You now need to configure pricing for this fee. Click on the price settings button as highlighted above.
The price settings form should appear
Configuring Fee Pricing involves a number of settings that we can easily configure. Let us explore these settings, one at a time:
Compute price based on an equation: This option will allow you to set a price for this fee based on an equation that can use form input in calculating the final price of the fee. The form input fields you use in your equation must be number type fields. Click here for more information on how to write a pricing equation.
Price: If you do not use a price equation, you can provide a fixed figure as the price for this fee.
Tax: Any tax to be applied to the fee as a percentage.
Pricing rules: Pricing rules allow conditional logic to be applied to fee pricing. When you add pricing rules, the price field mentioned previously will be ignored. Click here to see how to configure fee pricing rules
Using Pricing Equations
A pricing equation is a mathematical formula that you place in the price field. The formula will be evaluated during price computation and supports the following mathematical operations:
Multiplication (*)
Addition (+)
Subtraction (-)
Division (/)
To use form input in your formula, you will need to reference field tags in the formula using square brackets.
See below for an example of a pricing equation:
The example above will take the value for a field with the given field tag and multiply it by the number 189.
It is important to note that the formula will only work if either a submission form or task form containing the referenced field has been filled in the workflow prior to the invoice being generated. Thus you have to make sure that the sequence of your workflow will support this formula e.g. if a task form field is referenced, you must make sure that the task with that form set is executed before this billing task.
To find out how to get a tag for a field, go to the Field Tags section.
Pricing Rules
Pricing rules allow you to apply conditional logic to fee prices based on the values of submission and task forms in your workflow.
To add a new pricing rule:
Click on the "Add New Price Rule" button.
The price rule form appears
For each price rule you should configure settings as below:
Pricing Rule Name: A meaningful name for your pricing rule.
Compute price based on an equation: This option will allow you to set a price for this fee based on an equation that can use form input in calculating the final price of the fee. The form input fields you use in your equation must be number type fields. Click here for more information on how to write a pricing equation.
Price: If you do not use a price equation, you can provide a fixed figure as the price for this fee.
Apply Price Rule If: This is the condition logic operator to be applied i.e. if all conditions are met or if any of the conditions are met.
Conditions: These are the conditions for the rule to apply. You can add an unlimited number of conditions and each condition must have:
A condition field
A condition operator
A condition value
KINDLY NOTE: When using date/datetime fields in your conditions, you must place and ISO8601 date format (YYYY-MM-DD) as the condition value to compare against e.g. 2020-12-31. It is generally safe to compare ISO 8601 date strings because the ISO 8601 format orders date components from the largest to the smallest unit (year, then month, then day), and it uses fixed-width, zero-padded numbers.
Once you are done configuring the settings, click on the save button
The screenshot below is an example of a pricing rule for a cheese burger:
Last updated